Sunday, November 27, 2005

Olde Soul 1

I will occationally post some ancient sayings
attributed to Eskiyali from the great Carvanserai
at Gyor in the 13th century, from my pending book 'Olde Soul'


treat every interaction with another,
be they friend or stranger,
as a chance for spiritual trade,
the 'alış verış yapmak' of old,
to 'faire make give and take'.
place your past delusions
into a tight drawn velvet purse
and swap for a basket of everLight.

the scrolls of Eskiyalı


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

This is just the most wonderful quote to begin with faucon. Eskiyali will inspire all sorts of exercises for us. I already know that some spiritual trading will take place out here on the road.

I for one am happy to pack my delusions into a tight velvet purse to gain some everlight. The first delusion I will pack is death denial. As I said to Shari, life is finite, yet all around me everyone denies this and keeps dreaming of an astral plane where things will be better.

Please! Keep adding the words of Eskiyali so that he may guide us on this Caravanserai.

At 4:04 AM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Heather, your words, like Faucon's are inspired. It's a good space to be in.


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